Things to know

what is the covid policy?

There are no covid requirements. If you are dancing with a masked person, check if they would like you to also mask for that dance. Please, stay home if you feel sick/have covid symptoms. We will continue to have masks and hand sanitizer at the dance.

What's Swing Dancing?

Swing dancing began in the 1920s in Harlem, evolving with jazz music and becoming popular across the country through the 1950s. It is an umbrella term for Lindy Hop, Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Jive, Jitterbug, and more. It experienced a resurgence of popularity in the 1990s and has been growing since.

Is this a Dance Studio?

Hot Jam is first and foremost a social dance event. However, we do have some classes. Every week we offer a free beginner lesson, as a service to the community and anyone interested in learning how to dance. In addition, we offer both beginner & intermediate progressive classes. If you are interested in pursuing dance lessons beyond this, we can guide you to several resources in the Atlanta Area.

What if I don't know how to dance?

Excellent! We have a FREE beginner lesson before our dance. You don't need to have any experience to attend. Even if you think you are unable to learn how, most anyone can be taught.

Do I need a partner?

No, you do not need a partner. Dancing with different people is essential to becoming a better dancer — and it’s a great way to meet new friends. In classes, the instructors will call for rotations to ensure everyone dances & learns. During the social dance, people dance with a variety of partners.

What are leading and following?

Leaders propose the moves done during a dance and followers make them happen. We encourage people to pick what they want to learn: follow, lead, or both.

What's the floor like?

We recently installed brand new wood floors at Ambient+ Studios. The floor speed varies (usually due to humidity), so we recommend bringing multiple pairs of shoes for optimal comfort. Rubber shoes may help with balance on a fast floor. Hard leather is useful when the floor is slower.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever is comfortable. You'll find people wearing any number of things ranging from jeans and dress pants, to shorts and skirts. Consider bringing additional shirts or tops to change into, as this is a physical activity and you will likely sweat! No one likes dancing with a sweat-soaked partner. Also, wear smooth-bottomed shoes; your knees will thank you.


We have a water available. We encourage you to bring your own water bottles and other refreshments to reduce waste.

How much does THE DANCE cost?

DJ dances are $12 per person ($10 for sponsors and students). Live bands are $20 per person ($15 for sponsors and students). The beginner lesson is complimentary with dance admission.

How much do CLASSES cost?


The 4-week series costs $75 for General Admission, and $65 for sponsors, seniors, and students. Drop-in classes are $24 for General Admission, and $19 for sponsors, seniors, and students. The cost of hour-long classes includes dance admission.

The drop-in beginner’s class at 8pm is (and always will be) free!

how can i attend for free?

We offer volunteer opportunities for anyone in Atlanta who wishes to attend the dance for free. If you wish to take classes, volunteering also allows you to pay a reduced rate. Email for more information.

Do I need to pre-register for class?

We currently only accept registrations at the door. You can pay for a series during the preceding month, or you can show up at the door to pay.

Where do I park?

Attendees can park on the street, or in a lot at the back of the building. The entrance to the parking lot is located on Northside Drive, just north of Wells Street. Look for the Ambient+ Parking signs. If parking on the street, be aware that a train occasionally blocks access to parts of Wells St. Look here for more parking info.



Christopher Cohen

Rachel Pitner


Jesse Gearhart

Terrace Ellis